Catering & Hospitality

Catering & Hospitality

Unlike every other businesses, the catering and hospitality businesses are well looked after by health and safety legislation.
This sector covers people working in hotels and restaurants, commercial kitchens, pubs and clubs, fast food outlets, and contract caterers etc.
If your are a private provider or both public and private sector employer, we'll provide you with practical and strategic advice to assist in the smooth running of you business with regards to health and safety.
As experts in traditional safety laws, we will define every rule and make them easily understandable by your employees.
That way they will own the health and safety of their activities, ensuring there are no accidents or ill-health.

If your are a private provider or both public and private sector employer, we'll provide you with practical and strategic advice that will assist in the smooth running of you business with regards to health and safety.

 What you Should Know

There are many things you should do to make sure you are complying with the law.
Getting your business Policy statement (written if you have up to 5 employees or more, and we will guide you through the remaining aspect.

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