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Why is health and safety training important

Every employee or self-employed is legally required to have a health and safety training of some sort, and quite often this can be with or without regard to the activities they’re employed to do.

And when they are under your employment it’s now the duty of the employer to provide them with training and information.

Training and information ensures’ that your workforce are well equipped with the knowledge and understanding needed to carry out functions safely.

Amongst other things, providing health and safety training to your employees will,

·       Aid them develop positive attitude to working safely.

·       Ensure that no one in your workplace is injured whilst working

·       Assist you grow your business as the expense that would have gone into dealing with shortfalls from accident such as civil claims, cost of replacing damaged machinery, etc, can now be reinvested into your business.

·       Ensure you meet your legal duty to protect the health and safety of your employees by providing them with training and information.

As we may cast our minds to the political rhetoric of the past, ‘’education, education, education’’. In this regard, it will mean training, training, and retaining. The more health and safety knowledge employees have over an activity, the more safely they perform on the task. 

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